Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Reflections on our school year

With summer here, we're evaluating how the past year went and reflecting on the things we enjoyed about it. In November we were privileged to host a young lady helping at Samaritan's Purse. She had just graduated from high school and wanted to participate in a ministry trip, so her mom recommended something in the country for starters. She chose Samaritan's Purse, helping prepare shoeboxes of Christmas toys to be distributed around the world. She searched for a like-minded family with whom she could stay, and ending up choosing us!

We found Alyssa to be a young lady who loved the Lord and was well-trained by her mother in many areas. She ended up blessing us as we met her needs and sought to be a blessing to her. We praise the Lord for helping us show kindness and sensitivity to Alyssa, and for the blessing she was to us. Pray for the salvation of the children receiving these shoeboxes of toys along with a brochure explaining the Gospel. Pray for their discipleship as they enroll in a correspondence course upon accepting Christ.

Another highlight of our year was helping with the schooling of a missionary candidate's daughter while her family was here for training at SIM. Claire and our daughter Abby did their school work side by side for 2 weeks. We praise the Lord for being able to help with the children of SIM candidates during SIMCO (orientation). Pray for Claire's family to raise their support so her father can do veterinarian work short-term in Paraguay.

This year I also had the privilege to teach beginning violin to Abby and 2 other girls, ages 6 and 9. This is not my instrument of study, so I was learning also! We were not using Suzuki method, so at this point what they've learned would not "awe" anyone, but we've laid a good foundation that they can build on. Praise the Lord for giving me His patience and endurance to teach something new and open my home every week. Pray for these three girls, Abigail, Abby and Brianna to learn further music skills and use them for the Lord's glory.

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