Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mittower Memo August 2009

Mitch was helping one of our SIM missionaries, Ken Baker, with a computer problem. He and his wife are with our Culture ConneXions program, which reaches out to internationals living in America. He’s pretty computer savvy himself, but had run into something that he didn’t know how to solve. After Mitch helped him with it he said, “I’m sure glad we have someone like you on our team.”

We could tell many other such stories of how Mitch’s work has contributed to the missionary work here and abroad. All the appreciative comments of those he’s helped have meant so much, and keep reminding us how important even computer work is to the cause of missions.

We have learned that the Mercy Ships ministry has a ship now off the coast of Benin, West Africa, giving free medical care to the Beninese until December 2009. They came to Benin around 1996 when we were in the country and we heard of lives literally changed by dramatic cosmetic surgeries and won for Christ as a result. SIM missionary Dodi Forsberg has a young friend, Anne, who was born with a malformed ear. Now at about age 13, she has an appointment August 21st on the Mercy Ship to see if her ear is working properly and whether something can be done to make it look nicer. Pray that Anne will not be frightened by the trip to Cotonou or all the new things on the ship, the constant motion of the ship and the doctor! Pray for other lives to be won to Christ and a greater hearing for the Gospel as a result of Mercy Ship ministries.

Bible Translation in Benin

The Fulani New Testament is nearing completion! Pray for the team as they work on the final checking. It will then be typeset there in Benin, so pray for that as well.

Pastor Isaac Matchoudo, a wonderful Christian we had the privilege of working with in Benin, is part of the Fulani translation team. He’s also the president of the UEEB—the evangelical church association in Benin. Uphold him in prayer as he is trying to balance the responsibilities of his leadership position with the translation checking work.

Many times Satan tries to hinder Bible translation projects--especially at the beginning and end of the project. So they especially need our prayers.

Prayer and Praise

Pray for 13-year-old Anne, and her Mercy Ship visit as mentioned above.Pray for the final checking of the Fulani New Testament.

Pray for strength and wisdom for Pastor Isaac Matchoudo as he balances his responsibilities between the Bible translation team and his role as UEEB president.

Pray for the Sola Translation team as they soon have their last checking session with their translation consultant and incorporate the last corrections into the NT scripture text. Praise the Lord for the good partnership they’ve had with this consultant over the years.

Continue to pray for the Yom Translation team that Dodi Forsberg heads up. They are working on the Old Testament.

Pray for wisdom, discernment and patience for Mitch in resolving computer problems. Often missionaries coming home from the fields have multiple needs.

Both the U.S. and International offices of SIM are feeling the effects of the financial downturn. Pray the Lord will provide.

Praise the Lord for again providing scholarships for Anna’s college. Pray for strength for her in her studies this coming year, and sensitivity to the Lord’s leading for the future.

Pray for wisdom for Teresa in the midst of planning Abby’s school for the upcoming year, and planning for her piano students this year.

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